The Best Approach to Your Treatment
Your initial visit to Salmon Arm Massage will consist of a consultation of your medical history, as well as a thorough assessment (examination) of your current condition or injury.
These are vital steps in your treatment as I use this information to make an educated decision on the best approach to treatment for you. It is very important that you do not leave anything out, as things that may not seem immediately relevant could actually have great influence on the risks and benefits of the treatment chosen for you.
Remember, massage “therapy” is much more than just a massage, and it is in your best interest that I gather as much information as I need to provide you the most effective treatment possible. My goal is to not only in helping to relieve your symptoms, but preventing them from recurring in the future as well (promoting good health, and saving you
precious time and money in the long-term).

What to Expect
Information on practices used by Salmon Arm Massage Therapy and how we work.
Visit Our Blog Page!
Our blog posts contain massage therapy-related advice, help, and information.

How we work with you
It is my goal to provide some hands-on treatment (manual therapy) at the first visit but please be prepared that this may not happen in rare situations.
During any hands-on portion of the treatment I will check with you to make sure you are comfortable with both the environment and with the pressure being used.
You will be properly draped (covered) for privacy if any area of the body needs to be exposed for effective treatment.
It is common for me to take a moderate approach at the first visit in order to determine response & reaction, and then to adjust the treatment as necessary in the following visits. Be sure to let me know if anything feels uncomfortable or painful, or you simply have any
questions about the treatment provided.
Payment Information
Payment is due at time of visit, and options include cash, cheque, debit, or e transfer.
Fee schedule:
- 1 hour session: $110
- 45-minute session: $95
- 30-minute session: $80